Custom 110″25 Mar, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley engine kits / harley head porting / harley machining / Harley Performance / harley service / Head Hoggers by headhoggers (updated 2826 days ago)
Tons of heads going out and tons coming in. 22 Mar, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley head porting / Harley Performance / harley service / Head Hoggers by headhoggers
Hurt Feelings 12422 Mar, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley engine kits / harley head porting / Harley Performance / harley service / Head Hoggers by headhoggers
HH ported Milwaukee 8 stage 2 head port. 16 Feb, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley engine kits / harley head porting / harley milwalkiee 8 head porting / Harley Performance / Head Hoggers by headhoggers
Head Hoggers ported TB test. 15 Feb, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley 4 valve porting / harley engine kits / harley engine performance / harley head porting / harley service / Head Hoggers by headhoggers
Blown 468 BBC12 Feb, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged big HP setups / harley head porting / Harley Performance / Head Hoggers / head porting / service by headhoggers
M8 stage 2 port9 Feb, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley engine kits / harley head porting / harley Milwaukee 8 / Harley Performance / Head Hoggers by headhoggers
Check your oil filter!5 Feb, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley engine kits / harley engine performance / harley head porting / harley machining / harley service / Head Hoggers by headhoggers
Another 107″ kit done4 Feb, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley head porting / harley machining / harley service / hatley engine performance / Head Hoggers by headhoggers
Custom 120R setup 2 Feb, 2017 in Head Hoggers tagged harley engine kits / harley head porting / Harley Performance / harley racing / harley service / Head Hoggers by headhoggers
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